Release Version 1

Hello everyone,

NoTimeToDie has reached to Version 1 of its release which is more of a complete game and build compare to the last two builds. 

Although this is the first dev log, we have made major updates to our game since our last build.  Although we still have things to work out, here are some major updates to the game, "NoTimeToDie":

Level Design:

  •  We redesigned the layout of the graveyard area, with a few twists and turns rather than being a straight line and killing enemies along the way, designing more like a graveyard at night with the lighting and a fog effect, and adding more props to make it symbolize a graveyard. 
  • We change the design of the Start screen to include the background logo, added a controls menu screen for players to read what the controls are, and an ending scene.

Player and Enemies:

  • The player has two more guns now which are a Hatfield shotgun and a Thompson gun which have limited ammo compared to the pistol which has unlimited ammo, in which each gun have different fire rates and amount of damage that they deal to either the player or the enemy.
  • The enemies now follow the player in pursuit of action, rather than standing still and just shooting at the player. This makes it possible for the player to not ignore the enemies and actually fight them off. 


  • The UI has seen major updates with the biggest parts being changes to the Health and Weapon UI being embedded into the fancy UI border in the game, with both of them have a change in text and layout, in the health UI specifically change to the health counter into a spade, and in the weapon UI adding all gun models, changing them when the player presses Q key or E key, adding an ammo counter for each gun and the model of the bullet. 

We appreciate the feedback that was given to us by playtesters and made as many changes as possible to make the game even better than it was before. We would appreciate more feedback as we are still making changes to improve in different areas of this game to make it better for its next update.  

Files 131 MB
May 06, 2024

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